What Makes The Orange Slow Feeder Different?
All of our Orange Slow feed Nets are made of Factory New Marine Grade materials Manufactured in Washington State. Our rings are made in Rhode Island. Some of our employees that work with us in making our nets have served this Country Proudly in different branches of the U.S. Military. The Orange Slow Feeder Line of products has been created as an alternative to other products available on the market today. We created our slow feeder nets to be sturdy, long-lasting, and easy to use. With a life expectancy to rival other nets; we reduce the frequency and cost associated with feeder net replacements. Our nets reduce hay waste; provide a more natural and healthy way to feed livestock and as a side effect they save You Money!! See why our Slow Feed Nets are a step above the competition : View Our Products Page
Ease of Use
Our Orange Slow Feed Nets are made to be used with the least amount of work. One of the differences is we have installed rings at the top opening. This allows the top rope to move easily when opening and closing, removing any wear on the net or rope. Another difference on the top of our net is the actual top opening; it’s unlike a majority of the nets on the market where you’re trying to put a pair of nylons around a flake of hay.... Our nets are like putting a Sun Dress on a flake of hay. The ropes on our smaller nets are woven in on themselves, so it’s a continuous rope, so no ends to deal with; we have also installed a ring on the bottom of the net to assist in the hanging or securing of the net during use. On our larger nets, the rope is a cinch style rope, all but the large square bales have a tail rope on the bottom end, so that you can secure the net so it doesn't walk away and become a play toy.
Marine Materials
The Orange slow feeders are a 1-3/4” square using a 4.0mm thick finely braided Polyethylene Twine which is UV inhibited. Thus it will not deteriorate and become brittle and fracture. Being a marine material, this netting will not absorb pee, poop, or water, and thus not smell like a cesspool. With that, this netting will not freeze during the winter months becoming a brick of ice.. Being finely braided, our material lasts considerably longer than our competitor's products which usually use a lighter weight course braided or non-braided twine. This netting has a breaking strength of 1200 Lbs. thus it will hold up to almost anything your horse can throw at it.